In Our Classrooms

School Curriculum Information

cobains primary school

School Curriculum Information

At Cobains Primary School, we offer a comprehensive curriculum based on the Victorian Curriculum. Literacy and Numeracy are the priority areas throughout the school, and we are proud of our achievements in all areas.

The Victorian Curriculum F–10

Our Curriculum is underpinned by the Victorian Curriculum F–10 which incorporates the Australian Curriculum and reflects Victorian priorities and standards. It sets out what every student should learn during their first eleven years of schooling. The Victorian Curriculum F10 supports the planning for whole school teaching and learning. The Victorian Curriculum Learning Areas & Capabilities are as follows:

Learning Areas

  • Arts
  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Health & Physical Education
  • The Humanities
  • Science
  • Technologies


  • Critical & Creative Thinking
  • Ethical
  • Intercultural
  • Personal & Social

You can find out more about the Victorian Curriculum F10 by clicking here.


The Benchmark Reading and Assessment Program is utilized throughout the School. It is aimed at providing high quality literacy development through the use of levelled reading and regular Running Record assessment. Students who have graduated the program are deemed proficient readers. Their assessment measures will focus on comprehension skills including inferring.

Our Sound Waves Spelling program is implemented through the whole school. Recent studies have proven that an emphasis on phonics is an essential building block in learning the English language. Additional supportive programs and resources are also used to compliment the spelling program offered at Cobains.

We devote two hours per day towards the development of student’s literacy skills. Ongoing assessment and grouping students into like abilities ensure every student is learning at their maximum potential. Our literacy programs have been proven in providing high quality learning, as reflected in our proud NAPLAN Spelling, Reading and Writing results.

Teachers are given regular professional development in the teaching of literacy through attending courses, involvement in moderation sessions and ongoing discussions of consolidating and extending students in their literacy development.


Mathematics is covered every day for two hours. We use a selection of highly regarded Mathematics resources Including Mathletics, Nelson and Targeting Maths as well as providing hands on activities to teach our maths curriculum.

Because of our very small class sizes, every student can have access to quality teacher time to ensure ongoing learning and progression is occurring in the key areas of English and Mathematics. Immediate one to one, or small group assistance is given to students, targeting areas of concern. Students are taught within their optimal learning zone and given frequent opportunities to revise and consolidate their skills. Our mathematical teaching approach is on a continuum and therefore caters for every child, including our remedial and gifted students.


We have an ongoing, sustainable science program for all students. Our science specialist teaches each class in weekly science lessons. Our observations coupled with research shows that Science provides high levels of engagement and interaction, and is shown to improve literacy and maths skills.

All students participate in specialist science sessions as well as activities that are linked to whole school themes. We are involved in a number of community environmental organisations including Landcare and Bug Blitz programs.

Information Communication Technology (ICT)

All classes integrate the use of computers and other multi media into everyday teaching. Cobains Primary School has a ratio of 1 computer for every 2 students and that combined with high speed broadband coverage means that students readily access computers for a wide range of purposes and learning opportunities.

The school owns a range of multi media resources which the students utilize as part of their learning on a regular basis such as digital cameras, ipads, digital microscopes and interactive whiteboards.

Reporting to Parents

At Cobains Primary School student learning is a three way process between the teacher, student and parents. Our reporting processes highlights this with an initial parent teacher interview in Term 1and a second formal interview in Term 3. Written reports are given out mid-year and the end of the year. Communication of your child’s progress is important to us and additional informal and formal conversations may take place during the year. Students with additional needs will also have SSG meetings involving the student’s parent/s, classroom teacher, the student’s aide/s and the principal each term.